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The St. Johns Museum is a 501c3 all volunteer run organization. Because St. Johns holds an important place in history, many community members have come together to begin formation of a St. Johns Museum. Plans include finding a permanent location, and creating a traveling exhibit for all things related to St. Johns to be shared and enjoyed in factual form as a historical education for all interested people.



The St. Johns Museum is an accessible, inviting venue that showcases historical artifacts and tells the story of the area through its use and inhabitants. This dynamic space changes voices regularly; it is a showcase of the experiences from many different cultures and generations.


The St. Johns Museum is a positive addition to the local community as we support local residents and businesses through hosting educational and community events, showcasing the past history of our heritage and celebrating our diverse cultures. St. Johns museum is a reflection of the past while serving to inspire those who visit today.


As advocates of the St. Johns community we value history, education, community engagement, diverse cultures and inclusion of all.  


Past Events

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